Best Practices To Prepare Your Horse for Winter Season Travel with EquiJet
Califon, NJ – Nov. 13, 2018 – The winter travel season is upon us; do you know what that means for your horse? While orchestrating your travel plans is one priority, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of your horse should not be forgotten. Equines from around the world will be crossing state and country borders in large numbers over the course of the winter, and EquiJet is prepared to assist with a variety of travel logistics in addition to consulting on biosecurity measures.
Whether you are traveling to Florida for the winter show season with your current string of horses or importing a new prospect from Europe, the experienced team at EquiJet is ready to arrange all of the necessary logistics including flight plans, ground travel, airport handling, issuing pre-export blood tests, health certificates, customs documentation and quarantine, among other services. With the winter competition series beginning in a matter of only a few short weeks, time is of the essence to ensure your horse doesn’t miss out on valuable space. Outside of the transportation plans, EquiJet can also offer a number of tips that horse owners should be sure to implement prior to letting their horses step foot on a trailer or airplane.
The travel season is a prime time for infectious diseases to transmit between horses, with large numbers of equine athletes from around the world often stabled as the same boarding or show facility. It is each owner’s responsibility to protect their animal by instituting safe practices and holding their service providers accountable when it comes to transport. When using commercial shippers, ensure that trailers have been disinfected between transports and, while horses are in route to their final destination, ask your shipper, broker or quarantine contact to monitor your horse’s behavior and wellbeing for any signs of distress. Luckily for EquiJet clients, the industry-leading company prides itself on working with an extensive network of reputable and safe vendors that always place the health of the horse as the highest priority.
Additionally, at-home measures like proper worming and vaccination routines, in addition to safe grooming practices, will aid in the prevention of sickness. Maintaining clean environments in areas with numerous horses is another suggested tactic, which includes disinfecting grooming and riding supplies, as well as devoting tack and brushes to individual horses, whenever possible. For horses traveling domestic, an updated coggins and health certificate will be required, so stay on top of veterinary appointments, as well. Though these practices are suggested at all times, travel season is especially important.
With over two decades of experience in international shipping and an extensive network of transportation partners, the team at EquiJet prides itself on making each horse’s travel – whether to a local show or across the world – as stress-free and comfortable as possible. EquiJet offers unparalleled customer service by horse people, for horse people.